[My Story]

I'm just a girl who fell in love with a boy.
A girl who loved this boy with all her heart that she excused what she thought she would never tolerate.
I'm a girl who is a surivor of domestic violence.
A girl who gave birth to the son they created together.
I'm a girl who left even with all the struggles that would be put on her plate.
A girl who became a single mother to prevent her son becoming a victim of the same violence.
Even though she thought she could handle with the abuse,
she could not risk it for the tiny miracle in her arms.

I'm a girl who works to pay the bills, and who goes to school to make a better life for her son.
A girl who will do anything for that little boy and does it alone.
The girl that this little boy will look up to and be proud of one day.
The only person he can always count on.

I'm a girl that is grateful for all the trials and tribulations I've endured.
Without them, I would not be as strong as I am right now.
I would not appreciate every single day as much as I do right now.
I would not be as proud of myself as I am right now.
And I wouldn't have the chance to make a difference in someone else.

I'm just a girl who's hearts greatest dream is to help women
grasp how perfectly beautiful they how,
show what incredible strength they truly have,
and how extremely successful they can be.
I want to show them the immense happiness and self love that is on the other side.
If my story can inspire in at least one woman the confidence that she will not only survive, but will thrive, after leaving an abusive relationship, I will be forever elated.

One day I will. My heart is always hopeful.

 If I can stop one heart from breaking, I will not live in vain. - Emily Dickenson

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