April 15, 2011

Sometimes it's tough.

On some days, I feel like having a pity party. Although I am incredibly blessed and am extremely thankful for what I have, I allow myself one day a month (if need be) to feel mad, hurt, disappointed, weak. I write letters and let all the emotions spill out on paper. Mostly to The Ex. Because sometimes I do get caught up in the "what if's?" and the "why's?" and the "this is so hard". Sometime's I cannot help it. After writing, I let myself have a good cry. Let the uninhibited emotion flow, releasing me from the hold it has on me. When all has been drained, I get over it. Dwelling in it for too long is only harming myself. I know I have to let it out to move on. I always feel better after doing so, and I always am sure to remind myself that, without having gone through everything, I would not be who I am today And I have never liked myself as much as I do now. :)

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