I love words.
I loving being moved.
I love when words in music move me.
Here's some lyrics I'd love to share,from songs I love to sing. :)
"because the pain you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming"
-Before the Morning, Josh Wilson
I heard this early one morning on the radio while driving to school. I fell in love isntantly, with this line in particular. I remember various times in my life where I felt like no body, going no where. I was depressed and dreaded waking up every day. Now I open my eyes every morning and thank God that I am here and have been blessed with all I have. Especially my son. I wish I had heard this back in those sad and spirtless days. I wish I could make everyone realize the truth of this... that while the things you're experiencing now are cutting so deeply, it's only making you stronger. It will soon be a scar to look back on and prove that you are a survivor.
If I had a chance for another try
I wouldn't change a thing
It's made me all of who I am inside
And if I could thank god
That I am here,
and that I am alive
And everyday I wake
I tell myself a little harmless lie
The whole wide world is mine
- Rite of Spring, Angels and Airwaves
- Rite of Spring, Angels and Airwaves
love love love Angels and Airwaves. I believe this also. Although I've been through things that were extremely tough and hate reliving, I am very grateful that I experienced them. It truly has, one hundred percent, made me who I am today.
Be a best friend,
tell the truth
And overuse I love you
Go to work,
do your best
Don't outsmart your commonsense
Never let your prayin' knees get lazy
And love like crazy
-Love like Crazy, Lee Brice
Everytime I hear this, I have to turn the volume way up and belt it out. It is very great yet simple advice that I wish everyone lived by

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