June 4, 2011

How I Know

I'm so much happier.
I've come very far from who I used to be.
Here's just a few reasons that remind me of this.

People make me smile more than they make me mad. My job, as a waitress, is very objective to dealing with people, of course. In previous years, dealing with mean customers would put me in a bad mood. I let their attitude affect mine. Their rude remarks would get to me, making me want to retort a snark comment back (I never would of course, I am much too timid to do so). I used to get ticked off when I didn't receive a tip. Nowadays, it doesn't bother me when I have people who seem to be mad at the world and nothing I can do will make them happy. But instead of letting it change my mood, I simply smile and respond politely. Knowing that what their unhappy about has nothing to do with me, their just unloading it on me. And I'm okay with that.

As far as the tips go, yes I work my booty off hoping to get tips. But when I do get "stiffed" as we call it in the server business, I just remind myself that "Hey, they probably need the money more than I do right now" and it gives me a sense of contentment.

Another way I realize I have matured is this little scenario.
Here's a little back story.
My ipod basically is my boyfriend. I have spent countless hours and a large amount of cash in uploading and storing music on to that shiny black metal piece of magic technology. Approximately 4000 songs, to be exact. No exaggeration.

Yesterday, before leaving for work, I started a new sync, being sure that upon arriving home all the new music would be on my ipod. HOWEVER. When I do get home and notice a pop up stating that the sync could not be finished, I look at my ipod and there is nothing there. NOTHING. Vanished. Gone. Everything. Forever.
Instead of reacting with anger, curses, and yelling, possibly even throwing it across the room. I just think to myself "Now this would happen to me!" and laugh. Because what else can I do?? Just laugh.

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