June 2, 2011

Why it doesn't get to me

I work at this small Mexican restaurant, essentially the only sit-down restaurant in my small town. Most of the cooks are spanish speaking and are all very nice and Ilike them very much. After 4 years of working at the same job with the same people, you kind of get to know one another. They know I have a child, and am not with his father. Every other day, one of my favorite spanish speaking friend/cook will ask me, "Boyfriend yet?" and I always smile and say no, not yet. To which he replies with a semi-sad face, a shake of his head, and a tiny sigh. I sense that he is secretly hoping for me to find a man, and also secretly feels sorry that I haven't one yet. Well may be not so secretly. Ha. But here's why not having a man doesn't bother me.

I'm not in the mood to settle. I could easily have a boyfriend. Wait. that sounded a little conceited. Which I'm the opposite of. However, there has been a guy or two who wanted to seriously commit to me. But although their attempts to win my heart were very flattering and aided in building back my self confidence, I didn't have that "feeling".

I see couples all the time that are unhappily together. I have friends who's significant other's treat them disrespectfully. Boyfriends who are controlling. Husbands that leave the mother of their child alone on the first Mother's Day. Those are things I so do not desire. Because if I was in a relationship like that, I would be far less happy than I am now.

So although I hate to disappoint my sweet Mexican friend with the disappointing news that I don't, and won't, have a boyfriend, I'm glad I don't. I'm perfectly content with waiting patiently for my perfect man who will come sweep me off my feet when the time is just right.

I am not in the mood for an okay relationship. I don't want a boyfriend so I can simply void the loneliness I feel as I crawl into my queen size bed at night. I'm waiting for the right relationship with the right guy. One day I can look at him and say with a heart full of honesty; all the nights I slept alone, all the dinners I cooked for only myself, all the movies I watched without a hand to
hold, they all made me appreciate the wonderfulness of you being mine that much more.

And if I don't find someone, I'm content with that also. Because, more than anything, I'd rather be happily single than settle for a boy who doesn't make my heart beat with passion, love, joy, inspiration, support and laughter.
Things worth having are worth waiting for.
For you, my future great love,
I'll gladly wait patiently.

1 comment:

  1. I think that's an amazing thing for you to know about yourself. There are too many women who hate being alone so much that they choose any man that comes along to be their boyfriend, and then they are surprised when he sucks. I loved being single, even though it didn't last long. I told myself that I was not going to settle the second time around and I totally didn't. Good for you!
