November 25, 2010


I want to start something new. So here I am. Starting a blog. Yay.

I did one of my favorite things a few days ago, went and browsed the bookshelves at Barnes & Noble. I love that place, truly truly. I walk in and a sense of knowledge and learning overcomes me. Does this make me sound cheesy? Ah well. I'm not sure I care. I stumbled upon a book with an intriguing title, "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin. After skimming it for only a few minutes because of my short time frame, I left the store with it on my wishlist and a metaphorical bag of motivation and determination over my shoulder. "I, too, shall start a happiness project!" I proclaimed with excitement. In my head, of course.

So what is happiness? defines it as being: good fortune, pleasure, joy.
But the goal of my happiness project is to find true happiness. Not from good fortune falling into my lap, not from experiencing something pleasurable, not from something joyful. Finding a happiness inside my heart that is infallible. I want to wake up happy. Eat happy. Work happy. Go to sleep happy. All the middle stuff, the annoyances, the cute moments, the misfortunes, the love, I want to deal with all those with ease from my inner happiness. That's the plan.

So I'm not exactly sure yet of how I am to do said project, but this is just the beginning. I thought it'd be a good idea to be documented. Mostly for my own sake since I get side tracked a lot and have a lot of things going on at once. Then partly that maybe others will read and share in the happiness, and start their own project.

I will only able to update this once a week though, since I don't have a computer or internet access at my own place. Just an fyi. :)

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