One of my all time favorite quotes. It really moves me

'After enduring an emotional bout of downpours, it is seemingly effortless to continue an empty indulgence of self pity. One gets locked up in dark days of his or her internal misery. But when one catches a glimpse of the orange fiery ball of illumination hanging gracefully in the brilliant blues and whites of the sky, the beauty of the world sheds light in the soul. Tired and decaying from the deep depression drowning all emotions, one must battle the despair with optimism. The mind is a powerful weapon, and by believing with one’s entire existence that the world is wonderful, it will come to be. Just change the way you think about it.'*
The way we perceive things plays a huge role in our ultimate happiness. Someone can constantly question his or herself with, "why did this happen to me?" "what did I do to deserve this?" "why me?!" But in reality, what's done is done. Hindsight's 20/20, but unfortunately for our current generation, time travel has not been invented quite yet. So we can continue playing the victim, or we can change the way we think about.
After discussing with a friend how I am truthfully thankful for enduring the trials and tribulations I've been faced with, for I could not be who I am today without them, I was close to tears when he replied "No that's not true, you really did not deserve any of that." Thoughts buzzed around in my head "he is right! I didn't deserve that! why did I have to be so belittled? why was I saw degraded?" My mind instantly began replaying traumatic scenarios of my past, and I started to feel hatred. I was falling back into becoming the victim again. I had to shake myself out of it by changing my thoughts.
So, that's the most inspiring piece of advice that has impacted my life. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. But If you don't accept something the way it is and are able to change it, of course go for it and try to change it! If the best guy of your life walked out under the impression that you didn't care enough for him because the fear suppressed your ability to express your true love for him, express it! If you aren't getting a raise because your boss feels you aren't ready, prove it to him! If you think your home decor is drab, fix it up! Ha. In any circumstance, think to yourself of Mary Engelbreit's quote and choose the option best suitable.
Good day, sir. :)
*the first paragraph is an excerpt from an essay written for my composition class. The topic was positive thinking. I felt it connected to this post. :)

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